We so love a great double Happy Tail!
"Hello and Happy New Year everyone!
We are settled in Prattville, AL and as you can see from the video clips, Zoey, Gunner, and Bella are loving their lives here! They have a big fence in the yard and love to chase the squirrels!
Zoey is the queen of Alabama and collects beauty crowns wherever she goes! Do not let the beauty and crowns fool you, she is an original gangster and runs the house! Zoey is amazing and a joy and has helped her sister (Bella) to be a confident, demanding, and loving girl. The two of them are inseparable. Zoey has taken over the sleep number and puts herself to bed about 8 o' clock every night.
Bella and Gunner are excellent pill takers, they gulp down their heartworm/Flea and Tick medicine every month, not Zoey. I have to make her peanut butter ball treats and cut her pill in quarters to get her to take it. After I have tricked her into taking her pill, she goes and pouts on the bed.
Zoey is the 1st with everything. She gets her food bowl 1st, treats 1st, and will not allow her brother and sister to bark unless she gives them permission. If they bark 1st, she will run to them and bark in their faces, telling them to hush!
Gunner is mellow and loves his Pa! He could care less about his sister's, who keep him on his toes! Gunner has numerous nicknames; Jethro, Guns and bones, bun buns, Bob, Robert, Slobbert (he drools for food and treats), and Clifford the Big Red Dog. He gallops around the yard like a pony!
The kids pile into the cab of the truck every afternoon and off we go for a ride. Zoey is not a fan of long distance riding, but she tolerates the afternoon drives. Gunner loves to go, especially when he is in the big truck with his Pa!
Bottom line, Zoey and Gunner are amazing along with their siblings to include the two kitties! They run the house, have taken over the sofa and bed and we love them! The kids are healthy and amazing!
Enjoy the pictures and wagging tails! Please accept our apologies for the long overdue happytails update!
Thank you LVLR, we would not have these wonderful kids if it were not for you!
John and Deb L"
Want to share you LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and images to: [email protected]