Happy Tails

Happy Tail: Rocky (formerly Chance)

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We love getting these updates, and with Rocky the very best.

"Hi! This is Betsy. My husband Justin and I adopted silver lab "Chance" last August. I just thought I would share an update since it's coming up on a year since we adopted him.

First off, we changed Chance's name to Rocky to honor our time living and working in Rocky Mountain National Park. Rocky took quickly to the new name with no problems. 

He was quite the energetic soul when we first adopted him but also such a sweetheart. He and his sister Annabella love to play and wrestle. He loves walks as well and is doing so much better at not barking at everything that moves when he is on a walk!

Unfortunately, in late December we found what turned out to be a cancerous tumor just above his paw. Rocky has been receiving IV chemo treatments since February from the awesome staff at Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center. He's responding really well to the treatments and the tumor has shrunk so it is barely there!

It was truly devastating to get this news (especially since we've lost two labs to cancer over the last four years). But I keep reminding myself that Rocky was brought into our lives for a reason. And that reason was that we were the ones who would not think twice about making sure he lives his best life for whatever time we have with him.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to bring this sweet, funny, lovable boy into our lives❤️"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story & pictures to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Doug

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We are so happy to see Doug's Happy Tail and Glow Up!

""Doug has really made such a positive impact in our lives! He is so fun, lovable, and silly. He loves to play, play and PLAY! Chasing toys or his tail seems to be his favorite activity. We have enjoyed watching him grow and learn, and are so excited to see where he takes us! Thank you so much for introducing all of us.
Rick and Tiffany"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story & pictures to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Sasha

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What an incredible update for Sasha's Happy Tail!

"We adopted Sasha in 2013 and she is still such a sweetheart! She loves to go on morning  walks with her papillon sister Lily. She loves to swim in the pool and play fetch. We love her dearly and are so grateful to LVLR for bringing her into our lives. Thank you!"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Bubba

We love receiving these amazing updates on our adopted Labs! What a lovely Happy Tail for Bubba:

"Hi everyone,

We wanted to update you about Bubba. We have had him for just over a month and he is such a good boy! He came to us with a few commands and, with the help of one of his new brothers, he has learned how to fetch, as well as swim. He still walks around with a stuffy in his mouth and never destroys them, though he loves to destroy toys meant for chewing. He continues to be very excited when new people come to visit, but has learned not to jump most of the time. Oh, and he’s such a snuggle bug! We just love him and we are so grateful to LVLR for matching us with the most perfect boy for our family ❤️"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Athena

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Happy Tails like Athena's are such a joy to receive!

"We can hardly believe that we have had 2 years with Athena. Athena came into our lives shortly after the very unexpected loss of our 5 year old chocolate lab Josie due to a liver/stomach tumor. Losing Josie was just as hard on her Dobie sister as it was on us.. we couldn’t bear the loss of such a special family member as Josie and neither could her Dobie sister Maddie. We met Athena about 1 month after losing Josie. Athena had so much love to give and wasn’t too sure she could trust there would be permanence in a new home. She came into our home looking to both get and give love but cautious and trying to figure out the new place and new people. It took her time to learn she would never have to go anywhere else and that all her people would always come home to her every day. She is the sweetest girl who just can’t get close enough and can’t get enough hugs and loves. She loves her cat brother Gary who she initially thought was prey and she is learning more and more about playing with her Dobie sister every day. She learned to trust in Maddie’s trust which relaxed her anxiety about her humans leaving the house. She also knows now that if she or Maddie have to leave for a vet checkup they will always be coming back home. She can’t be without her blankey or a toy and is very proud to show them off to all - including Gary the cat. It took awhile to see her come out of her shell but she continues to blossom more and more as she develops more understanding that this is all hers furever."

Want to share you LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tails: Shadow

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What a wonderful Happy Tail for Shadow!

"Last December, we fostered and adopted this old girl, she fit us like a glove. Our last lab passed away last August and we thought no other dog could possibly come close to filling that huge hole in our heart. But…. LVLR to the rescue once again, and we can not believe how lucky we are to have Shadow. She goes on morning walks to greet the neighbors, they can’t wait to get a morning face lick. We added the bike ride because it is too hot for evening walks right now. A few weeks ago, she took a trip to Yellowstone & Tetons with us. She travels better than any of our kids ever did!!! Next is a trip to the Colorado River, in our favorite cove, doggie life jacket in tow. We are just having a ball with our old girl. She’s the best. Thanks for pulling her from the shelter!!!!

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Mocha (Formerly Keke)

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We have a wonderful Happy Tail for Mocha (formerly Keke)!

"Heres a few pics and videos of Mocha.  She is fitting nicely in with the pack of all girls. She is the biggest and the youngest of the three. She's playful, has lots of energy, recently got comfortable going in the pool and is now a pretty great swimmer. She loves to play with balls and frisbees. She's been socialized and has a great time at the dog park.  She's also really great on a leash and likes to hike at the mountain. She's a really great addition a phenomenal watchdog.

 So happy we have her. 

Shelly S."

Want to share you LVLR Almuni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pics to [email protected].

Happy Tail: Penny (formerly Maya )

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This is such a sweet update on Penny (formerly Maya )

"Well, it's been over four years since we adopted our sweet Penny, and every day she reminds us just how special she is.  When we originally saw the post about her, it stated that she would be a special case adoption.  They were looking for a family with other dogs who would give her the patience, love, and support she needed to feel confident and secure.  As soon as we met her, I knew we were the family for her.  She was timid, fearful, and cautious at first, but it didn't take long for her to open up and show us her playful, affectionate side.  With the help of her sisters, she learned that she was part of a family who would always love and take special care of her.  Once a Las Vegas girl, Penny has since moved and is now living the life in Myrtle Beach!  "

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to [email protected].

Happy Tail: Sadie

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Here's another lovely Happy Tail for Sadie!

"We've had Sadie for  three  months  and  she's  such  a  joy  and  love  bug,  she  misses the tree  though,  her  fosters  penny  and family  were so  wonderful. "

Want to share your LVLR alumni Happy Tail? Please submit your story and pictures to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Hazel

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Hazel was a puppy when she came through LVLR, look at her now!

"Hazel Grace has captured our hearts and completely stolen her dads.  Hazel has her puppy tendencies, especially her love of stealing socks, but can do absolutely no wrong in her dad’s eyes.  She is genuinely one of the sweetest dogs we have ever owned and she gets along so well with her older fur sister.  She is so great with our 3 year old as well.  She is always making sure to shower him with lots of kisses, which provides us all with belly aching laughs.  Hazel has been the best addition to our family and we are so lucky to call her ours!

2022 Update: Our family has grown by one since 2019. We welcomed a baby boy in July of 2020. Nothing has changed with Miss Hazel. She is still the sweetest fur sister to our boys. She is so patient with our now two year old. Hazel adores her older fur sister and still has her dad wrapped around her paw! She’s brought so much joy into our lives! We are so thankful we found her through LVLR

The S's!"

Want to share your LVLR alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story ad pictures to: [email protected].

Happy Tail: Buddy (formerly Kai)

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Look how great Buddy is doing!

"Our little guy Buddy ( formally named Kai ) has settled in and is loving life. Him and Charlotte, our black lab we had previously to adopting him love each other so much. They get along so well.  They love going on daily walks and cuddle at night.  

Thank you Las Vegas Labrador Rescue for the great addition to our family. "

Want to share your LVLR alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Dixie

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This is such a sweet update on Dixie!

"Hi, we just wanted to send along an update about our  rescued lab Dixie we adopted back in July 2022. 

Dixie has become such a wonderful part of the family. She's gotten very accustomed to our home and all the coziest spots, i.e the couch, our bed, right under our feet when cooking, the sunny spots by the pool and of course the outdoor couch!

She also has gotten used to dealing with our older lab who has epilepsy and she even yelped loud enough once while hovering over him during a seizure to pop him write out if it! She remains calm and makes sure she stays out of his way during those difficult moments. She's proven to be an excellent watch dog. During political campaign season she gave each door to door solicitor a peace of her mind, lol! We are very grateful she's come into our home. 

Here's a few pics of her enjoying all of the attention and the couch lol! The pic of her in front of our other dog Kirby's crate was her keeping a watchful eye after he returned from the ER after some difficult seizures. ❤️

We are so very happy to have Dixie be a part of our family and her forever home in our hearts! ❤️"

Do you want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Boone (formerly Chandler)

One of our first Labradoodles, what an update!


One year ago we were chosen to be Boone’s forever family. He has been the sweetest boy and loves everyone he meets. He loves to play with other dogs and go on adventures. He has been to 7 states and loves car rides. Boone is the only lab that doesn’t like water but loves to camp and chase squirrels. He’s the luckiest boy to have so many people love him and spoil him but we couldn’t imagine our lives without him. 

Chrystan and Kirk"

Do you want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Murphy (Formerly Deuce)

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Here's a wonderful update on Murphy (formerly Deuce).

"Hello Folks, 

Deuce is now MURPHY and is adjusting wonderfully. He is fitting in like he was always meant to be here. He has learned that the Dog Run is for him to go potty and he loves to play in the back yard. He has 3 favorite outdoor balls and an endless supply of toys inside. He just recently started to take naps in his crate during the day as we leave the door open for him to come and go and at night he gets locked in still. He walks great on his leash only pulls occasionally, he knows how to sit and is working on stay and does not run out the door. He only barks occasionally when he feels we need protecting. lol He has had 2 play dates and runs at top speed. Everyone that has met him has been so impressed with him and how calm he is for a puppy and how loving. We did take him early to get his right eye checked because it did look like it was irritated and the vet said he had a bit of an infection and put him on antibiodics. It is looking a lot better and is clearing up. He has an appointment with our regular Vet (Lone Mountain) for a follow up and to get established with them this week. He is truly a Blessing and we love him dearly. Thank you for rescuing Him and saving his life.

Lourdes "Lou" and Karen"

Do you want to share yourLVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Bandit

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A great way to start a new week, a wonderful Happy Tail for Bandit!

"We adopted bandit about a month ago but it feels like he’s always been here. He loves playing with his brother Rex and is happiest when he’s next to us, touching us, or better yet, sitting on top of us. He’s the sweetest dog to everyone in our family and loves strangers and dogs alike. He’ll do anything to please his people. Don’t let Bandit’s puppy dog eyes fool you. He’s just full of joy. We can’t imagine our lives without him. We’re so grateful to LVLR for saving him and all the other dogs who were meant to be with the families they’re with, just like Bandit. "

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Maccabee (formerly Buddee)

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We so love seeing these updates, so happy for Maccabee (formerly Buddee)

"We adopted Maccabee after we lost our ten year old lab. Maccabee is a gentle giant who has brought such happiness to our family. He enjoys playing with our other lab Raegan. Tug of war is their favorite game to play. He also loves car rides. He has been obedient and loving towards our 8 year old and loves to snuggle with us. We couldn’t picture life without him. 
Thank you Las Vegas Lab Rescue!"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Nero

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We can't tell you how happy we are to receive this Happy Tail for Nero!

"Hello! Just wanted to give you a quick update. We are so happy we didn’t give up on this guy, we all needed a little patience for everyone to settle in. He’s the happiest guy and we are so happy he is here! The most easy going dog we’ve ever met. And he and Andie are starting to warm up! They are bonding over barking over the neighborhood dogs 😂. Our son Eamon is smitten. He likes to bring you a present when he’s particularly excited… the second picture he nabbed me a lemon from the pantry because he was excited about going for a walk 😍

Thanks!-The C family"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Zoey

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What a truly inspiring Happy Tail for Zoey!

"Zoey is the most amazing baby ever! She has helped her younger sister overcome her fears and she loves to sleep in the bed with her cats! We adopted her and cannot even remember the date, it is like she has been with us always. She is the most precious loving girl. She loves her people and has no anxiety. We read her brief history and cannot believe she had anxiety and was taking medication. Zoey loves to go on walks and play with other dogs. She is such a gift and blessing. We are so grateful for her. She is so loving and gentle and a sassy teenager once in awhile! She is spoiled and loved!

Thank you Las Vegas Labrador Rescue.  

Forever grateful, The L's"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Tooch (formerly Dolce)

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While short & sweet, we still love seeing updates on LVLR alumni:

"Hi, We rescued "Tooch" formerly "Dolce" February 15th 2021. He is a pistol but just too cute.

Jim and Beth V."

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Tucker (Formerly Cash)

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We love starting off a new week with a wonderful Happy Tail for Tucker (formerly Cash)

"Cash is now known as Tucker and has been a great addition to our family. He loves to run, play ball and visit with friends. He has become snuggle buddies with our other lab, Jasmyn. 
Tucker has been working hard to improve his manners. When he first came to us, he was known to grab butter and bread off the counter. Now, he sits nicely to wait for his food. 
We are so glad we opened our hearts and home to Tucker!
The T's "

Like to share your LVLR Happy Tail? Please send your story and pictures to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Luna (Formerly Harley)

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We have a wonderful Happy Tail for Kuna (formerly Harley):

" Update on Luna (formerly Harley) who came into my life Dec. 1 2017 (3 years today!)
Over the last few years we’ve been on many adventures together! She’s my best buddy and companion! She’s loyal and ever so loving! 
She loves her daily walks to the park! She loves them so much in fact I’m sure she’d walk there herself if I’d let her! 
She enjoys our adventures to star nursery, her naps, rides in the car and most of all our hiking and beach adventures! 
She is so expressive with her looks. Her puppy eyes get me every time and she sure knows how to use them! 
I can’t imagine a life without my sweet Lunes!
She is loved to the moon and back! 🌙 "

Want to share you LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pics to [email protected].

Happy Tail: Maggie (formerly Scout)

Here is a great happy tail for Maggie (formerly Scout)...and a good reminder that it might take some time, training, and adjustment (and not just from your lab) for them to reach their potential 🙂

"I am happy to say this is a very happy tail after I almost gave up on Maggie(formerly Scout).   I adopted Maggie in Oct 2019.  After some jitters and training for us both, Maggie has been the best adventure buddy and companion.   Maggie went on a road trip with me for two months winning hearts among family and friends.  She has learned to socialize with dogs but still has some reservations with certain dogs.   Her best pal is Sadie the pit bull.   Her goofy bark is endearing.  She is a love and is  always at my feet or relaxing on the couch when not out adventuring.   Say Hi if ever out on the trails or on the water!"

Want to share your LVLR Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Ginger

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What a truly wonderful Happy Tail for Ginger!

"Hello LVLR! 

I adopted Ginger from Las Vegas Lab Rescue in November of 2019 and I am so glad that I did! I haven’t even had her for a full year yet, but I could not imagine my life without her. At 8.5 years young, she is full of life and personality. She loves swimming, going on walks, and sleeping all day (But as you can see in the pictures she hates wearing things lol). She’s also very smart and has been caught on several occasions getting into her bag of resealable dog food. And she is a PRO at stealing socks lol. Ginger now enjoys her life during quarantine with a sweet pit bull sister, who we rescued from SNARL in April 🙂 I post updates of her on her instagram page @thegingerdogblog ☺️"

Want to share you LVLR Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to [email protected].

Happy Tail: Bailey, formerly Sammy

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On National Rescue Dog Day, what a perfect celebratory Happy Tail for Bailey!

"When we saw Bailey (formerly Sammy) in October 2018 we knew she was meant to be a part of our family. During our meet and greet she made herself at home right away. We were advised of her size and the need for extreme weight loss and were committed to help her get her active life back. She started her journey at 100 lbs and through diet/exercise over the last 18 months she is now about 60 lbs! 

Bailey is the sweetest girl and immediately bonded with our other 2 labs. Her favorite activities are going for rides/outings (she always wants to go), playing in the yard, lots of walks, and snuggling on the couch. Bailey has been a wonderful addition to our family, thank you LVLR!"

Want to share you LVLR alum Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to [email protected].

Happy Tail: Charlie (Formerly Abby)

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We love getting the sweet updates on our former fosters. Here's Charlie's Happy Tail:

"Wow!  We can’t believe it’s already been a year since we adopted Charlie.  She was so shy and a bit anxious when she arrived.  Over the last year we have loved watching her turn into a happy, confident, lap loving dog.  She has attended a foundation agility class and a few hiking adventures, but her mission in life seems to be giving love to everyone.🐶😃❤️ What a joy she is!!  We are so grateful to the LVLR team for our wonderful girl.  Thank you for Charlie & all the dogs you bring to their forever homes. "

Like to share your Happy Tail? Send your story and pictures to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Gracie

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What an incredible Happy Tail from the early years of LVLR!

"Hello. I found your Facebook page and thought you might like an update on a dog I adopted from you in November 2007, Gracie. 

She is now 13 years old and is starting to slow down. She still loves life and taking lots of naps! She has a chiweenie brother, 2 cat siblings and 3 horse siblings. She has been my constant companion since I adopted her and has had many adventures including moving to Idaho and then back to Nevada. 

While I know my time with her is limited, I treasure every day we have with her. Thank you for allowing me to adopt this sweet girl. It was and always will be the best decision I made. ❤️

Thanks again,

Like to share you LVLR Happy Tail? Email your story and pictures to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Pepper (Formerly Penelope)

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In April of 2017 we met Penelope.  The day she entered our home we knew she was the puppy for us.  We waited many years to bring a dog into our home as we were jugging schedules, work commitments and weren’t home on a consistent basis.   

Penelope became Pepper, and our lives have been forever changed.  She is a loving, curious, enthusiastic dog.  Pepper loves everyone, and especially any new friend that will play fetch with her.  If there is a ball nearby, Pepper will find it, and drop it at your feet. 

Pepper shares our home with our cat, Abbie, who isn’t exactly thrilled by her new sister.  Pepper on the other hand always wants to play, and still tries to engage the cat in a variety of shenanigans. 

Our swimming pool was basically built for this dog.  Our Las Vegas summers are spent swimming, playing ball in the pool,  and drying her off. 

Pepper loves road trips, and is a great companion.  She’s traveled to the beach in Huntington, the mountains in Utah & Lake Tahoe and the snow in Nebraska.  She can also be a sophisticated city dog, staying in hotels and visiting our daughters in Los Angeles & Reno. 

We hope to rescue another Lab from LV Rescue in a few years, giving the cat another reason to be grumpy.  Thank you to all the volunteers and foster parents, you’ve made us very happy. 

Ben & Tami"

Like to share your Las Vegas Labrador Rescue Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to [email protected].

Happy Tail: Roxy (Formerly Saydi)

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We're always so incredibly happy to receive Happy Tails like this:


We adopted Roxy (formally Saydi) in the summer of 2012 when she was about a year and a half. We decided it was time for a dog since we had a nice yard in our new rental house, although at that point we didn’t have a pool. Due to a cruise we were going on, we almost didn’t get Roxy but apparently she decided we were her people and the stars aligned. 
In her early years she had 2-3 runs around Rhodes Ranch everyday plus an hour long “chuck it” ball chasing on the golf course but she still had endless energy. Now as an almost 9 year old, a walk down the street suffices before she turns around. 
She has us wrapped around her paw, when we bought our final house we had to get “a pool for the dog”, yes the realtor looked at us like we were crazy but one of her favorite things is her nightly swims. My husband started out with “no dogs on the furniture” rule, which lasted about 8 months, since he was the one who was always on the floor to be with her. 
Roxy is unlike any other labby I’ve had. She loves oranges, cucumbers, carrots and most other veggies and fruit. Even though she’s slowed down and her face is more “sugary”, she still has the zoomies, enjoys parties with lots of new friends, and rolling around the floor like a bug.
Roxy has fill our life with so much joy and happiness, she is our velcro pup. We are so thankful for the LV Labrador Rescue, it’s been an amazing 7 years!"

Like to share your Las Vegas Labrador Rescue Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to [email protected].

Happy Tail: Jojo (Formerly Josie)

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Here's a beautiful Happy Tail for Jojo (Formerly Josie):

"An update on Jojo.  We adopted her September 2017 as a ten month old, today she is 3 years and 1 month old.  Jojo is not only the humans companion but she also has become our elderly dog, Gracie's care taker.  She wakes Gracie several times a day and motivates her to go outside with her.   Even when she was 10 months old, she understood that Gracie was a grumpy old lady and had a respect for her.  Gracie has never shared a bed with any dog with the exception of Jojo.  The only one habit we can't seem to break from Jojo is her excitement for guests, she wants to greet them with a jump.  She spends many days with me in the garden, I have 25 fruit trees and several vegetable beds and there is a lot of activity in the garden from chasing lizards, rabbits, birds, bees and butterflies to carrying thick tree limbs and dragging branches around the yard.  She has dog toys and she enjoys playing with them as equally as playing with what nature has to offer her.   Thank you Las Vegas Lab Rescue for this wonderful dog!  
Sylvia and Mark"

Want to share your Happy Tail? Please send your story and pictures to [email protected]