Recent Posts by Las Vegas Labrador Rescue

Adopted: Duke, a 4-5 year old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Duke, a a 4-5 year old Male Chocolate Labrador, has found his forever home.

Duke currently has the maximum allowed meet requests, please watch for updates.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Duke is a beautiful, deep chocolate Lab wrapped up in total sweetness! He is a very lovable, affectionate young Lab, who loves ear rubs, belly rubs and staying by his human's side. Duke came to his foster home very timid and apprehensive. He will go outside easily to potty, but is fearful of new surroundings and going into bedrooms. We are working on overcoming Duke's apprehension and he has made great strides in a short time. Duke sleeps through the night on his human's bed, loves his fresh fruits and veggies and car rides. He likes to go for walks and is a good leash walker, who can pull at times, but will listen when corrected. He knows sit, down and paw. He doesn't chase a ball or any other toys, is not destructive nor a counter surfer and is mostly content to just cuddle next to his human. He and his foster family's dog are always "pawing' for undivided attention from their humans. Duke would do great with small children and other dogs and  will make a fantastic addition to a family, who will be committed to giving Duke that extra special attention, love and patience he needs to feel secure and confident."

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Happy Tail: Zoey & Gunner

We so love a great double Happy Tail!

"Hello and Happy New Year everyone!

We are settled in Prattville, AL and as you can see from the video clips, Zoey, Gunner, and Bella are loving their lives here! They have a big fence in the yard and love to chase the squirrels! 

Zoey is the queen of Alabama and collects beauty crowns wherever she goes! Do not let the beauty and crowns fool you, she is an original gangster and runs the house! Zoey is amazing and a joy and has helped her sister (Bella) to be a confident, demanding, and loving girl. The two of them are inseparable. Zoey has taken over the sleep number and puts herself to bed about 8 o' clock every night.  

Bella and Gunner are excellent pill takers, they gulp down their heartworm/Flea and Tick medicine every month, not Zoey. I have to make her peanut butter ball treats and cut her pill in quarters to get her to take it. After I have tricked her into taking her pill, she goes and pouts on the bed. 

Zoey is the 1st with everything. She gets her food bowl 1st, treats 1st, and will not allow her brother and sister to bark unless she gives them permission. If they bark 1st, she will run to them and bark in their faces, telling them to hush! 

Gunner is mellow and loves his Pa! He could care less about his sister's, who keep him on his toes! Gunner has numerous nicknames; Jethro, Guns and bones, bun buns, Bob, Robert, Slobbert (he drools for food and treats), and Clifford the Big Red Dog. He gallops around the yard like a pony! 

The kids pile into the cab of the truck every afternoon and off we go for a ride. Zoey is not a fan of long distance riding, but she tolerates the afternoon drives. Gunner loves to go, especially when he is in the big truck with his Pa! 

Bottom line, Zoey and Gunner are amazing along with their siblings to include the two kitties! They run the house, have taken over the sofa and bed and we love them! The kids are healthy and amazing! 

Enjoy the pictures and wagging tails! Please accept our apologies for the long overdue happytails update! 

Thank you LVLR, we would not have these wonderful kids if it were not for you!

John and Deb L"

Want to share you LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and images to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Cupid

We have an incredible, historic Happy Tail for Cupid!

"Cupid was quite the escape artist in her younger days, which ultimately led her to her forever family. She escaped one too many times and ended up at a kill shelter in Utah, where her previous family found her and surrendered her after one of her escapades in 2013. The Las Vegas Lab Rescue drove to Utah to pick her up and she was fostered where she found a best friend in a German Shepherd, Lightning. Their bond was instant and caused Cupid's foster family to foster fail because the two quickly became inseparable.

The day her family decided to adopt her, Cupid's bloodwork came back from Craig Road Animal Hospital where she tested positive for heart worms. The news was devastating, but her new family was ready to tackle her diagnosis. Cupid and her new brother, Lightning, were not allowed to play whatsoever and she had to live an unexciting live for quite a few months during the duration of her treatment. After a successful heart worm treatment, Cupid was finally able to live a normal life. Normalcy looked like chasing Lightning and her new brother, Chevy around the house, road trips across various states, or down the street to get a pup cup, and of course, lots of outing at the racetrack.

In 2020, Cupid moved with her mom to California where Cupids new friend lived, her dad Jeffrey. While her brother Chevy was ring bearer in her parents wedding, Cupid was the Pup of Honor on her mom's side. Living in California has included beach trips and lots of roadtrips to her her grandparents in Las Vegas. Today, Cupid is 16 years old. She is an older sister to Chevy (9 y/o pit mix), Kimi (3 y/o cat) and Getzy (2 y/o German Shepard/Rottweiler mix). She loves napping, snacking, and hanging out with her siblings at the race track. "

Want to share you LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please emails your story and images to: [email protected]

Adopted: Sven, a 5 year old Male Silver Labrador

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Adopted: Sven, a 5 year old Male Silver Labrador, found his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Sven is a chill dog. Likes to follow you around and is very affectionate. Uses the doggie door, knows a couple of basic commands. Not destructive. Gets along with dogs his own size and smaller dogs. When I check in on him on the cameras he’s either lying on his dog bed, couch or outside sunbathing. Sven will make a great buddy. He is recovering from 'Happy Tail', healing well, and may need to see our vet one more time to make sure it's fully healed."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Durango, a 5 month old Male Black Labrador

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Adopted: Durango, a 5 month Black Labrador, found his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Durango is a typical lab puppy with energy, excitement, and lots of snuggles. We are working on potty, crate and doggy door training and he is starting to figure it out. He is not a big fan of being left alone in the crate and has a typical stress response, but if he is in it for forced "nap time" and there are other dogs, humans, or the TV is on, he gets settled in just fine.  He is working on "come", "place", "potty", and "kennel" and gets better every day. He gets along well with our 3 senior dogs and respects their boundaries.

Durango is pretty skittish in new situations, sounds, and people but picks things up pretty quickly. He is highly intelligent and is paying attention at all times and he is adventurous and playful all the while he can be pretty mellow (for a puppy)!

Durango will need a caring and loving family who is committed to making him feel safe and secure and you will see his personality shine! He will need patience and consistency and will grow into a fine addition to a very lucky family. "

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Jackson, a 5 month old Male Black Labrador

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Adopt Me: Jackson, a 5 month old Black Male Labrador, found his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Jackson is an extremely sweet and playful puppy. His ideal furever home is one that will be patient with him and support him when he’s unsure about how to handle a situation as he grows up.

He is already people-oriented and will look to you for reassurance if he hears loud noises or sees something “scary” (bikes and scooters are officially okay but he still isn’t a fan of skateboards on his walks!).

While Jackson is very playful with other dogs and people, he also enjoys a good cuddle and takes his nap time very seriously.

As a young puppy, he is working on his potty training and being able to stay an entire night in his kennel, but he is making great progress. He has almost mastered his sit, especially if you have a treat, and is quickly picking up fetch.

Jackson has been around small and large dogs, cats, and children. He is very respectful of other dogs and cats. He is a little skittish around younger children (5-6 or younger), especially if they are high energy, but does great with older children who understand how to behave around dogs.

Jackson will be a fantastic fit for a family that will provide him structure, keep his mind engaged so he’s not bored, and are looking for a gentle soul to keep them company!"

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Kevin, a 5 month old Black Male Labrador

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Adopted: Kevin, a 5 month old Black Male Labrador, found his forever home.

Here is a bio from Kevin's foster family:

"Kevin is a very energetic, goofy puppy and needs a forever home that will give him every aspect of training needed for a puppy.  
We are currently working on potty training and he has been doing well, couple accidents here & there. 
He has a tendency to be skittish sometimes & gets scared of quick movements and loud noises (but not the vacuum, sleeps right through it!)
He likes to crawl on you to get love. 
He gets along with dogs & teens, not sure about kids.
Kevin just needs a loving home & time invested in him. Kevin will be a great companion for an active family committed to his training, teaching him boundaries and building his confidence."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopt Me: Koda, a 2 year old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopt Me: Koda, a 2 year old Male Chocolate Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is an UPDATED bio from his foster family:

"Koda is an energetic and rambunctious chocolate lab who loves playing with his foster brothers and sister. He is a very active dog who will need lots of exercise. His favorite thing to do is chase a ball and gets super excited when its time to play. He will bring the ball back every time and very good with giving it back for the next throw. Koda is very smart and learns quickly. He has learned how to use the doggie door, learned a few commands and is eager to please. He knows sit, shake and down. He also knows drop when it comes to playing ball. He loves going for walks, but has a little anxiety to start and pulls a bit when starting the walk. We have been working with him on this and he is showing lots of progress. Koda is a bit shy when it comes to meeting people and will warm up pretty quick. He has a bit of anxiety when it comes to his kennel but is learning it is his safe space to relax. He sleeps through the night in his kennel and very excited to see you in the morning! Koda loves car rides and loves to "chat" with everyone in other cars. He is a bit of a counter surfer, but has learned to supervise and not taste test. 

Koda is good with our other pups, but we are not sure on cats. While Koda loves to play, he is not always aware of his surroundings and can be a little rambunctious. He would do well with an active family who will continue to work with and love him. " 

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Drifter, a 3-4 year old Male Yellow Labrador

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Adopted: Drifter, a 3-4 year old Male Yellow Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

Drifter is timid at first, but quickly relaxes from pets & snuggles. Drifter does well other dogs, large & small, but we are unsure about cats. Drifter is house-trained, sleeps through the night, and is sweet & loving. He loves to play, can jump very high, and is responsive to learning more commands. Drifter will make a great companion.

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Tread, a 4 year old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Tread, a 4 year old Male Chocolate Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Tread is a truly wonderful dog! He’s a 4yr. old chocolate Lab, who is an absolute pleasure! He’s a little shy at first, but after a short time, acclimates to his new surroundings and feels right at home. He is an excellent listener, is very well mannered and a very affectionate, sweet and loving dog, who paws you to keep petting him. He loves belly rubs and ear rubs and cuddling with his humans. He sleeps through the night and is house trained. He’s not a big food hound, and doesn’t seem to be familiar with a variety of fruits, but is slowly being introduced to them.
Tread is a very, very high energetic young dog, who requires a large amount of activity and play. He will best be suited with a family that will spend a lot of time and effort to play with him. He is fast and loves to play fetch, and could stay out all day just retrieving his ball. He loves car rides and walks.
Tread would do great as either an only dog or with another dog, as he doesn’t bother with any other pets in the house, except for the occasional sniffing.
Tread would be an excellent addition to any family with or without children, but again,  especially to one that will be dedicated to giving him the exercise and activity he so much craves and requires!"

See a list of Available Labs here

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Happy Tail: Rocky (formerly Chance)

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We love getting these updates, and with Rocky the very best.

"Hi! This is Betsy. My husband Justin and I adopted silver lab "Chance" last August. I just thought I would share an update since it's coming up on a year since we adopted him.

First off, we changed Chance's name to Rocky to honor our time living and working in Rocky Mountain National Park. Rocky took quickly to the new name with no problems. 

He was quite the energetic soul when we first adopted him but also such a sweetheart. He and his sister Annabella love to play and wrestle. He loves walks as well and is doing so much better at not barking at everything that moves when he is on a walk!

Unfortunately, in late December we found what turned out to be a cancerous tumor just above his paw. Rocky has been receiving IV chemo treatments since February from the awesome staff at Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center. He's responding really well to the treatments and the tumor has shrunk so it is barely there!

It was truly devastating to get this news (especially since we've lost two labs to cancer over the last four years). But I keep reminding myself that Rocky was brought into our lives for a reason. And that reason was that we were the ones who would not think twice about making sure he lives his best life for whatever time we have with him.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to bring this sweet, funny, lovable boy into our lives❤️"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story & pictures to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Doug

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We are so happy to see Doug's Happy Tail and Glow Up!

""Doug has really made such a positive impact in our lives! He is so fun, lovable, and silly. He loves to play, play and PLAY! Chasing toys or his tail seems to be his favorite activity. We have enjoyed watching him grow and learn, and are so excited to see where he takes us! Thank you so much for introducing all of us.
Rick and Tiffany"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story & pictures to: [email protected]

Adopted: Cash, a 1 year old Male Yellow Lab

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Adopted: Cash, a 1 year old Male Yellow Labrador, has found his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"My name is Cash. I am a 1yr. old, beautiful, yellow, male Labrador Retriever.  I am a very active, rambunctious and  playful fella. I love being outdoors to run and play fetch, but haven't mastered "drop it" yet, but will let you take the ball easily from me. I know some commands, "sit", "stay" "down" and "no", but could use more training. 

I am potty trained and go outside to do my business and have had no accidents in the home. I can be a little mouthy, but when told no, I will back off. I will try again, but a stern "no" backs me off again. I can use more training in that area too. I am not destructive or look to chew household items. I love my chew toys to keep me busy. I also like to chill and relax on the bed with my humans and love belly rubs and ear rubs and love to lick their faces. I like being cozy with my humans and the love and attention they give me. I sleep through the night on my humans bed and I'm also crate trained, but need some coaxing to go inside and will cry a little at first, but I soon settle down. I like to chill too after a fun day of playing.

As a young pup, I am still learning what is expected of me, but I'm a good boy and eager to please. I would be great as an only dog, but since I am very playful, I would also be great with other dogs with my high activity level. With continued, love and training, I will be the best doggie for your family. "

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Fowler, a 2-3 year old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Fowler, a 2-3 year old Male Chocolate Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is an UPDATED bio from his foster family:

"Fowler is doing well, and learning so much! This handsome fella is super loving and affectionate, and really enjoys his humans. He's energetic, athletic, big and strong. Fowler is a Lab that doesn't quite understand his own size & strength, and we're working on teaching him appropriate behaviors. He plays like a 6 month old puppy, in a full sized body. Fowler has been living with a second foster, Ash, for the last few weeks, and really has come in to his own. He loves playing with other dogs, has learned to temper his excitement for humans, and re-directs it with the other dog. He has grown out of a lot of his 'puppy' behaviors, is far less mouthy and jumpy. Fowler is very smart, with a strong drive for direction & work. He's getting better at heeling and walking on leash, knows 'sit', and is house trained, using a dog door. Fowler loves his naps, loves to chase a ball, and gets along with other dogs. We have no idea how he'd be with smaller animals, and while he'd love children, he doesn't know his own strength and could easily knock a little one down in his excitement. Fowler is eating well, and while he occasionally looks to counter surf, he's takes correction easily.

We have made progress on the crating Fowler. We have found the crate he cannot bust out of, and use high value treats to lure him in. We continue to make the crate a 'safe place', and while he is not happy to be crated he has made drastic improvements. He still gets excited and vocal when he's crated, but he's also learning to relax in it, and we work on his being calm before releasing him. He really has come a long way!

Fowler will need a strong leader to continue training and providing a safe, secure environment. He wants to please, and would do great with professional training. Fowler really is a big love, wanting to snuggle with people and be near them. Fowler will make an amazing companion for a family committed to continuing his training, and providing a happy, active life. "

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Mongo, a 1.5 year old Black Male Labrador

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Adopted: Mongo, a 1.5 year old Black Male Labrador, has found his forever home.

Here is an UPDATED bio from his foster family:

"Hi, I am Mongo and I am 1-1/2 years old.  I am very playful and have a lot of energy, but it is sporadic.  I take long walks every day and love to play, especially, with a rope toy and balls, I even entertain myself.  I love to chase balls and I will bring the ball back; however, I may chew on it for a bit before giving it back.  I'm a total sweetheart and lover.  I love to be loved, scratches behind the ears, back scratches, belly rubs and being brushed.  I can sit, lay down, place, stay, love to go for rides and load in a car well, and don't counter surf.  I also don't get on the furniture.  I know the commands: place, stay, break, sit, down, back, here, off, come, and no.  I'm working on the commands: give and drop it when playing ball.  I am really good in the house uncrated; I am housebroken, use a doggie door and crate well.  Walks/hikes are a favorite time for me; walking on a leash is a work in progress.  I am strong and I'm working on not pulling on the leash.  I have not been socialized much, but I am getting better every time I go out and walk in the park, so that is a work in progress as well.  I am a very loyal and loving companion.  I am looking for a furever home that will go for walks, take me on car rides, play with me and give me attention and love."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Ash, a 5 month old Black Male Labrador

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Adopted :Ash, a 5 month old Black Male Labrador, found his his forever home.

Here is an UPDATED bio from his foster family:

"Ash is growing fast and learning a lot! He had to move foster homes, and is doing great with his new foster brother. He is learning how to use the dog door, loves playing but isn't too interested in the pool yet. Ash is a 5month old male black Labrador who is full of puppy energy and curiosity! Ash is eager to learn and loves to please his humans. Ash is making strides on the potty training, with regular intervals outside to reinforce proper behavior. He does vocalize his discontent when he is first put in the crate but settles down after a few minutes. Ash plays well with other dogs but does need correction cause he gets overly excited. As he is a puppy, he is energetic, mouthy, and growing. Ash will do well with someone will give him consistent training and correction. 

***Ash has 1 follow up appointments with our Vet. The adopting family will be required to complete this appointment***

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Dex, a 4 year old Male Yellow Labrador

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Adopted: Dex, a 4 year old Male Yellow Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Dex is a big, sweet boy who loves chasing a ball. He is big, strong and athletic, and needs more work on leash training, as he can pull in his excitement. Dex knows some commands like sit, come, drop it. He is very food motivated, so we're using a slow feeder to slow him down. He does attempt to counter surf, and we're working on correcting this behavior. Dex is crate trained, but not a big fan, and whines a bit before settling down. Dex will need a little extra time to get used to new people & places. He sleeps through the night, loves car rides, and plays a lot. While he had a couple of inside accidents, we think it's more from being in a new surrounding than a training issue. Dex loves people, and does well with other dogs with proper introductions. He has been an only dog so far in his life. We have no idea how he'd be with smaller animals. Give Dex a ball, and is your best friend.

Dex will do great with an active family, willing to continue to stimulate both his brain and his body. He thrives with postive reinforcement and activity, and will make such a great buddy for the right family. "

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Sammi, a 9-12 month old Black Female Labrador

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Adopted: Sammi, a 9-12 month old Black Female Labrador, has found her forever home.

Sammi currently has the maximum allowed meet requests, please watch for updates.

Here is a bio from from her foster family:

"Sammi is a happy beautiful black lab around 9-12 months old. She loves to be right by your side and follows you everywhere.  She’s learning quickly how to fit into our home and is getting along well with our two dogs. She is just learning about toys and treats and she enjoys both. She is still a puppy and needs some work on manners but overall she is really easy. She sleeps quietly through the night in a kennel but is not a fan of going in.  Once she is in she is quiet. She has not had any accidents in the house. She is energetic but not over the top. She walks ok on the leash but could use some work on it. Overall she is a sweet easy going pup looking for a furever home where she can be right by your side. "

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Duke, an 8 year old Yellow Male Labrador

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Adopted: Duke, an 8 year old Male Yellow Labrador, is looking for his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

Please read carefully!

"Duke is just amazing. He is very gentle and a real love bug. He likes to play with tug toys and balls, and loves a walk. He eats anything, not picky at all. He does need to shed a few more pounds, so he is on a diet. Don’t tell him, he doesn’t know. When he is finished with his food, he’ll even bring the bowl to you to fill up again. Nice try Dukey!!! He uses a dog door, and will stand by our gate when we leave to wait for us to return. He sleeps in bed with us, and sometimes gets out of bed and lays on the floor next to the bed. He can be mouthy when playing, is very gentle and responds to “No”. Duke is very obedient. He knows sit, stay, down, go to bed, bring me your bowl, come", and perhaps a few others. He will go in his crate, but he has free run of our house. He has a “person”, and is very attached. Duke is like Velcro with his favorite person. Duke does get along with other dogs, but we are unsure of cats.

Duke had a very rough period of adjustment coming in to foster care, he really loved his original family, and now totally trusts his fosters. There will be an adjustment period, and will need extra time, patience and love to adjust to his furever home. Duke is also treated for dry eyes and gets 2 different sets of drops, twice a day. He is pretty good about the drops, but it can be tricky. We have it down to a science and can teach any adoptive family the tricks. This boy is one in a million."

IMPORTANT: Duke has Addison’s Disease , so the adopting family will need to take him for regular vet visits to get a shot to maintain his system. It is under control now, as we and our vet worked diligently to find correct meds and dosage. Duke currently needs the medication every 10 weeks and price can vary between veterinary hospitals.

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Charlie, a 3 year old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Charlie, a 3 year old Male Chocolate Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Charlie is a big, happy boy! He is loving, affectionate and adores cuddling & belly rubs. He is crate trained, house trained, does well with people and other dogs and already knows how to use the dog door. Charlie is energetic, and needs more leash training, as he pulls and is strong. Charlie sleeps through the night, loves to play, and rides well in a car. Charlies knows some commands, and would benefit from a refresher on the basics. Charlie LOVES to play ball, and will *almost* bring it back, but prefers to play keep away.

Charlie will be a wonderful companion for an active family, as he is energetic and loving. "

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Moa, an 8 month old Yellow Female Labrador

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Adopted: Moa, an 8 month old Yellow Female Labrador, has found her forever home.

Here is a bio from her foster family:

"Moa is a wonderfully sweet, loving girl. She is definitely a puppy still, energetic and playful. She's mouthy and likes to jump up on people, we're working on teaching her not to. She's smart and knows a few commands, and is a very happy girl. She does great with other dogs, rides in a car well, is house trained and sleeps through the night. Moa isn't a fan of the crate, but she is getting used to it. She does need to lose a little weight, but with routine activity, she'll be set.

Watching Moa play with her foster sister is wonderful, she's really such a good natured pup. She will make a great companion to an active family committed to training and love for Moa."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Joy, a 3 month old Female yellow Labrador

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  • Joy

Pending: Joy, a 3 month old Yellow Female Labrador, has found her forever home.

Here is a bio from her foster family:

"Joy is your typical bundle of lab puppy love! She's smart, energetic, and working on all kinds of training. Joy is still working on being house-trained, and will continue to need structure & guidance to get there completely. Given her age, she is still up 2-3 times a night for breaks, but is improving and starting to sleep a little longer. She still has the occasional accident, as we're trying to learn her cues and teach her what she needs to do. Joy is playful, attentive, and is in prime puppy form! She's mischievous, mouthy, and loves to play. She also puts any & everything her mouth, and needs to be supervised at all times. Joy is getting better with crate training, and is learning that crate is a safe, happy space for her.

Joy will need a family committed to continuing her training, In many ways she is a blank slate, and needs to learn boundaries and what's expected of her in behavior. Puppies are hard work! She's going to be a larger, strong Lab, and will need continued work as she grows up. Families with small children should be aware Joy is mouthy, with razor sharp teeth. Joy will make an excellent companion with the family that understands a puppy's needs, and is committed to the work it will take to raise her to be the best dog she can be.

Joy also has 2 remaining vet appointments that will need to be completed by the adopting family."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Harper, a 4 year old Female Chocolate Labrador

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  • Harper

Adopted: Harper, a 4 year old Female Chocolate Labrador, has found her forever home.

Here is a bio from her foster family:

"Hi I'm Harper, a beautiful, 4yr. old chocolate Lab. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if you ask my foster parents, they'd say I'm just as beautiful on the inside as I am on the outside. I'm extremely sweet and loving and love giving affection, as much as I love receiving it, and also love attention and belly rubs and love cuddling with my humans. I am not destructive with clothes or household items, but once in awhile will find something to chew. However, if I'm given a toy ball or other toys, that will keep me from otherwise chewing on items I shouldn't. I love to play outside and fetch, but can easily come inside after a short time and chill by my human's side. I'm also a little counter-surfer, but I listen when told to get down. I potty outside, but can have an accident inside once in awhile, but with continued training, that shouldn't be a problem for long. I love going on walks and I'm a wonderful leash walker, no pulling. I know the command to sit, but need continued training with other commands and I'm eager to learn. I'm great with other dogs and would be wonderful with children too!

I'm looking for my loving forever home and know with love and affection and continued training in certain areas, I will be the best doggie addition to your family!"

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Angus, a 4-5 year old Black Male Labrador

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Adopted: Angus, a 4-5 year old Black Male Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is an UPDATED bio from his foster family:

"Hi, I am Angus and I am 4 years old years old.  I am a big boy; 80 lbs.  I take walks every day, and don't really eat that much for my size.  I'm a total sweet heart and lover.  I am loyal, get along with other dogs and love to play.  I love to chase balls and I will bring the ball back and drop the ball at your feet; however I may chew on it for a bit.  I love to be loved, scratches behind the ears, back scratches and belly rubs.  I can sit, and lay down, stay, load in a car, get out of the kitchen (when my breakfast is being fixed).   I know the commands: back, off, here, come, and no.  I do not counter surf.  I am good in the house, I am housebroken, use a doggie door and crate well..  Walks are a favorite time for me.  I walk well on a leash.  I love to go in the car with you and I load very well.  I am looking for a forever home that will go for walks, take me on car rides, and give me attention and love."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Ridley, a 3 year old Male Yellow Labrador

  • Ridley Ball
  • Ridley Good Boy
  • Ridley Pose
  • Ridley Sit
  • Ridley Stand

Adopted: Ridley, a a 3 year old Male Yellow Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Ridley is a happy, well-mannered, sweet and lovable three-year old male yellow lab. He is extremely friendly and wants to give love and attention to everyone he meets. He is playful, loves to run and very good at fetch. He has a good deal of energy, but is past the puppy stage and is not wild or destructive. He is food motivated and loves to eat. He is attentive and does his best to do exactly what you ask of him. He is curious and likes to be involved in whatever is happening. He is ready to do anything, but can also be happy just lying by your side. He likes to give and get hugs and seems perfectly comfortable on any type of furniture. 

Ridley knows many of his basic commands, “sit, stay, down, off, wait…”. He walks reasonably well on the leash, without significant pulling. His recall is good, and we are reinforcing using his name because we are not sure that he knows it. He is potty trained and has had no accidents during his time with us, even though he is recovering from his neutering surgery. With the help of our dog, he learned to use the doggy door the first day with us and will use it when needed, or with a gentle reminder.  

Ridley has done very well with other dogs, playing and interacting with our dog and a neighbor dogs. We are not sure about how he will react to cats or other small animals, but he does not seem to have a significant prey instinct. He is an excellent watch dog, excitedly alerting us to people at the front door, without barking. He is crate trained and is able to sleep through the night by himself. He seems to like car rides, but wants to sit up front with the driver for the best view.  

Ridley has been a pleasure to have in our home. He is a good dog that, with some consistent and reinforced training will turn into an excellent dog. He will do well in any home, including those with children and other dogs. He is looking for someone to love him and take care of him as a companion or as a family dog. "

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Finn, a 9 month old Male Yellow Labrador

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  • Finn

Adopted: Finn, a 9 month old Male Yellow Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is a bio from Finn's foster family:

"Finn is a sweet, beautiful cuddle bug who wants to please his people. He has a kind personality but still has many things to learn.  This big boy is full of puppy energy, which means he's super playful and needs lots of attention. He loves hanging with his people and doesn’t love being left alone, but he is learning that his crate can be safe and comfortable. Finn loves his “babies” - fluffy toys and chew toys. He also loves meeting new people and believes everyone is a new friend.

Finn is working hard on potty training. Most of the time, he goes outside, but he still has a few accidents. He’s come a long way in the week he’s spent in our home, so we’re confident he’ll be completely housebroken with a few more weeks of a consistent, patient routine. He is very motivated by treats, so learning to sit, shake, and “go to bed” has come very easily for him. He is still learning leash manners and is gently mouthy with less dominant household members when playing, but he is beginning to learn that mouthy play is not welcome with his human friends.                                        

With lots of love, guidance, and patience, Finn has endless potential to be an incredibly playful and loyal family pet."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Luna, a 10 month old Female Silver Labrador

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Adopted: Luna, a 10 month old Female Silver Labrador, found her forever home.

Here is a bio from her foster family:

"Luna is a total joy to have in our home. She's a happy, sweet, affectionate girl. Luna is very energetic, loves to chase a ball and play. As she's still a puppy, she's mouthy and likes to put all sorts of items in her mouth. She's learning 'drop it' and getting a little better returning items. She knows sit, and we're working on other commands. She is very much food motivated, is learning to take treats gently, and wants to be a counter surfer. Luna is very smart, curious and confident. She is eager to please, loves her humans, and will thrive with continued training.

Luna is doing well with crate training, rides calmly in the car, sleeps through the night and is mostly house trained. She's a really good natured dog for her age, and on the larger size for Labs. She doesn't realize how big she is, and when excited, can knock in to people. She gets along with other dogs, but we have no idea about cats. Luna isn't too interested in birds in the back yard, so she may be fine with small animals.

Luna needs continued work with jumping up on people, counter surfing and walking on leash. She is making improvements on both, families with small children should be committed to further training if interested in meeting Luna. Luna will be an amazing companion for an active family committed to regular exercise and continued training."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Juno, a 4 year old Black Female Labrador

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  • Juno

Adopted: Juno, a 4 year old Black Female Labrador, who is looking for her forever home.

Here is a bio from her foster family:

"Juno is a beautiful girl, high energy, but settles down eventually. She doesn’t bark, only heard her once or twice in 4 weeks. She will eat anything, we feed her with a slow feeder (to come with her). We are currently trying to get a few pounds off her. Sleeps well, and will go in her crate if we need to leave for a couple hours during the day. She sleeps in a crate or on a dog bed next to me. She loves to chase a ball, once she starts, she doesn’t want to stop. Walks on a leash like a pro. We always use a Martingale collar or harness. Knows sit and stay commands, however will usually lay down if in a sit very long. Juno understands no and off, usually complies, but she is a tease. Gets along with all the neighborhood dogs, as well as our own. She is a lover, not a fighter. Uses a dog door, and has never had an accident in our home. She is not destructive, leaves things alone. A pile of Kongs helps ensure this. I wouldn’t leave food out, however. I believe all bets would be off. Rides great in a car, we put her crate in the back of our SUV and she lays down and is quiet the whole way, 4-5 hour stretches. She is a fierce chewer, so Kong toys are best. We put low cal, low fat powdered peanut butter inside her Kong and she entertains herself her a long time. She loves playing and interaction with her people, so an active couple with time to play would be her Christmas wish come true."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Mud Pie, a 5 year old Silver Male Labrador

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Adopted: Mud Pie, a 5 year old Male Silver Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Mud Pie, nicknamed Muddy, is a 5 yr. old Lab male. He is a big boy, but don’t let that fool you. He gets excited when first meeting people, but calms down fast. He is one sweet, well-behaved, lovable boy, who listens and showers his humans with kisses, loves to cuddle and sleeps through the night on his human’s bed. He knows the commands of sit, down and stay. He can be a little mouthy at times, but will stop when told no and doesn’t grab anything around the house. He is potty trained and will also let you know when he wants to go out. He is an excellent walker, who stays by your side and doesn’t pull and will benefit from daily walks to lose some weight.

Muddy is such a pleasure! He will make a wonderful addition to a family with children and other pets. "

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Canyon a 1 year old Black Male Labrador

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  • Canyon

Adopted: Canyon, a 1 year old Black Male Labrador, who is looking for His forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family:

"Canyon is 1 year and 2 months old.  Still a puppy in lab terms.  He has adjusted well and loves to cuddle and get scratches.  Canyon is very enthusiastic about life, active and loves to play ball and, he brings the ball back to you.  He crates well, and sleeps through the night.  Canyon is house broken and doggie door trained.  He is learning commands and knows, "sit", "down" (lay down), "off" "come," "leave it," "do your business," "outside," and we are working on "stay."  Canyon is doing very well at commands considering he knew nothing when he arrived.  He walks on a leash, but that is a work in progress.  We are working on socialization, which he is doing well at.  Canyon does go on hikes in the desert off leash and does very well.  Canyon also responds out in the desert to a whistle.  He is a counter surfer, when you are not looking, mostly following a feeding; looking for that additional meal or treat.  Canyon is a very loyal, lovable dog, loves belly rubs and will crawl up in your lap given the invitation."

***Canyon has a follow up appointment with our vet for neutering***

See a list of Available Labs here

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