Recent Posts by Las Vegas Labrador Rescue

Adopted: Ollie, a 2 year old Male Yellow Labrador

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Adopted: Ollie, a 2 year old Male Yellow Labrador, has found his forever home.

Here is a bio from his foster home:

“Ollie is a sweet, energetic and fun-loving two-year old yellow lab. He is extremely friendly with humans and other animals. He loves to play with toys, fetch, explore and seek out new adventures. He likes to be active, but also understands when it is time to relax and calm down.

Ollie is gentle and very loveable, seeking out attention from people. He is friendly and curious about everything, including the sights and sound of the television. He loves petting and if invited will snuggle on the sofa or bed. He can be a little timid at first with new adults, but quickly loses that. He absolutely loves everyone, gets super excited, but not out of control. He seems to always have a smile on his face.    

Ollie knows many basic commands such as, “sit”, “down”, “come”, “stay” and “wait”. He is working on the others and is quick to learn. He is crate trained, and sleeps through the night. Sometimes, he seeks out the solace of his crate when he is tired. Because of his excellent behavior, has been given supervised “free reign” in the house. He is potty trained and learned to use the doggy door in a couple of days. He loves independence but does need to be reminded occasionally to go out. He is learning to walk properly on the leash and needs to be reminded to focus.He is excellent at fetch, bringing whatever object back quickly,and either dropping it at your feet or letting you take it from him.  

Ollie has done well with our five-year old black lab, benefitting from having a more mature dog to show him what is expected. They play like brothers and Ollie is quick to understand when he gets over excited. We have not seen any indication of prey instinct, only curiosity with other smaller animals and sounds.  

Ollie is a very happy and well-behaved boy. He would be a great family dog. He is young and could benefit from continued training. He has energy and will definitely need an outlet for that. He will do well in any home, including those with children and other dogs. This sweet and loveable boy is ready for his forever home.  “

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Cosmo, a 10 month old Male Yellow Labrador

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Adopted: Cosmo, a 10 month old Male yellow Labrador, is looking for his furever home.

Here is a bio from his foster home...

"Cosmo is a sweet natured, gentle soul that will need extra time and love to feel secure with his people. He is shy and timid at first, but warms up to people after a little time. Cosmo needed extra time in foster care to build trust and lay some training foundations, and we now believe he's on the right path to be a great companion. With continued love, security and guidance, Cosmo will open up even more in the future.

Cosmo is house trained, and learned to go in/out the dog door as needed. He loves to chase a ball, but isn't alway great on bringing it back. Cosmo is fantastic with other dogs. While he wants to play with our senior, he gives her proper respect and doesn't push it. He has had another foster puppy with him for a bit, and he really loves being the 'big brother'. With dogs, he takes cues well, and generally love to play and curl up with them. He would probably do well with cats as well, he has a very gentle & accommodating to other dogs. He does OK on leash, and needs more work to be fully trained. Working on commands (sit, leave it, etc) are a little more complicated with Cosmo, and he needs extra patience and kindness to understand training is a positive for him.

Cosmo doesn't like the crate, but has learned to be comfortable in a crate/pen combination. He'd prefer to be with humans, and sleeps better through the night where he can see the humans.

Cosmo will make a great companion with a family that is willing to take time, love and patience to continue to build his confidence, with postive reinforcement training."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Jack, a 3 month old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Jack, a 3 month old Male Chocolate Labrador, has found his furever home.

Here is a bio from his foster family...

Please read carefully, as Jack has 3 requirement followup appointments with our vet.

"Jack is an adorable puppy, so cute and playful. Like with any puppy, Jack needs a strong leader to guide him through the stages of puppy life, and help him transition to a happy, well adjusted adult. Jack is very smart, strong willed and energetic. He is mouthy & chewy, and needs consistent boundaries to help teach good behaviors and expectations. He is doing very well with house training, with a consistent schedule of outside time. Jack is working through crate training, and while he currently doesn't like being contained, we're working on teaching him the crate is a safe place, as well as a pen. As with any puppy, it will take time to train him to walk on leash, sleep through the night, along with other commands. As he is smart and driven, training is an excellent way to both teach him expectations and work him physically & mentally. Jack is also very snuggly and affectionate, loves his people as well as other dogs.

Jack will do well with a family committed to his training, working on behavior expectations and seeing him through the puppy stage. We're confident with the right plan, Jack will grow into a strong, confident amazing dog."

Jack has 3 remaining appointments with our Vet, that are a part of his adoption agreement. He needs 2 more rounds of puppy boosters, along with his neuter. Before submitting a request to meet Jack, please make sure you'e willing to abide by these conditions for adoption.

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Stella, a 3 month old Female Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Stella, a 3 month old Female Chocolate Labrador, has found her furever home.

Here is a bio from her foster home:

Please read carefully, there are future medical requirements as part of the adoption.

"Little Stella is a fantastic puppy. She likes to be with you but she is also content being in a pen with her toys. She hasn’t had any accidents in the house but we also take her out every 30 minutes and reward her when she potties outside. She is already retrieving toys and has dipped her toes in the pool and seems to enjoy water. She gets along with our 3 dogs and is very inquisitive. We have introduced her to a leash and she is a quick learner. She sleeps in a crate with minimal objections, usually just a short howl. Stella is a high drive puppy and as with all puppies will require constant supervision, positive reinforcement and training. She has begun trying to jump on furniture which could be dangerous to her growth plates if allowed to jump down on hard surfaces. We’ve caught he twice and had to pick her up and gently set her down. She has major potential and will thrive in a calm house, with patience and continued training."

Families with small children should be aware that Stella will be going through her mouthy, chewy stage, and need supervision around them at all times to ensure safety.

Stella has 3 remaining appointments with our Vet, that are a part of her adoption agreement. She needs 2 more rounds of puppy boosters, along with her spay. Before submitting a request to meet Stella, please make sure you'e willing to abide by these conditions for adoption.

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Gunner, a 4 year old Male Yellow Labrador

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Adopted: Gunner, a 4 year old Male Yellow Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

"Gunner is a focused, well behaved, loveable four-year old yellow lab. He is very friendly and seems to instantly love everyone he meets. He loves kids and anyone who will play with him. His favorite game is fetching (preferably with a ball) and would do that most of the day if he could. He is very attentive and eager to please, always doing his best to do exactly what you ask of him. He is active and looks for non- destructive ways to keep himself busy. He can be vocal when overly exited or if he wants to play. This is not barking, but more like excited talking. Gunner knows most of his basic commands and is working on walking on the leash without pulling. His recall is excellent, and he knows his name. He will excitedly run to you if you make it sound interesting. He is potty trained and has had no accidents during his time with us. He learned to use the doggy door, with the help of our lab, and has been self-sufficient since. He loves to eat and drink (like most labs).   

Gunner does well with other dogs. He interacts and is cordial with other dogs but would rather play fetch or tug of war with a person. He has not been exposed to cats or other small animals as we have none. He is crate trained and sleeps through the night without issue. He has been left alone in our house unsupervised and was observed patiently waiting or relaxing in his crate with the door open. He will happily jump up on the sofa or bed, but only if invited.  

Gunner has been a pleasure to have in our home. He is smart, well-mannered and lovable. His happy demeanor, passion for play, love of fetch and attentiveness are his strong traits. He loves to be active, but also understands when it is time to relax and is happy to do so. He will do well in any home, including those with children and other pets. He is looking for someone to play with him and to take care of him as a loyal companion or as a family dog. "

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Bubba, a 3.5 year old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Bubba, a 3.5 year old Male Chocolate Labrador, who is looking for his forever home. Here is a Bio from his foster family……..

"Bubba is such a loving dog & just wants attention from his people.  

All you have to do is look at him and his tail immediately wags; his tail wags so fast & hard, so watch out for that! When you talk to him, he hops around like a rabbit.


He is potty trained and likes to stay outside a bit sniffing around while he does his business.  
We have put him in a crate when we leave with a treat and he has not whined or cried.   
He inhales his food when he is fed, so probably needs a food bowl to slow him down.
He gets along with other dogs, but tends to nudge the other dog over to get the attention from his people.
He does well with sit & stay, walks on a leash ok, but needs a little more help with the pulling.
Bubba is a little nervous at first when he meets someone, but he gets over that very quickly with some love.  He likes to nap on the couch or the floor and sleep in his people's bed at night & loves to walk around with little stuffed animals in his mouth."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Chance, a 3 year old Male Silver Labrador

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Adopted: Chance, a 3 year old Male Silver Labrador, has found his forever home. Here is a Bio from his foster family…….."Chance is a big, strong, energetic boy that is also sweet and affectionate. Chance is crate & house trained, sleeps through the night, and has had some prior training. He does need a refresher course in not jumping on people, but he's smart and a fast learner. Chance would do well with an active family, and those with small children should be cautious, as he can easily knock you over with his exuberance. "

Chance currently has the maximum allowed meet requests, please watch for updates.

See a list of Available Labs here

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Happy Tail: Athena

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Happy Tails like Athena's are such a joy to receive!

"We can hardly believe that we have had 2 years with Athena. Athena came into our lives shortly after the very unexpected loss of our 5 year old chocolate lab Josie due to a liver/stomach tumor. Losing Josie was just as hard on her Dobie sister as it was on us.. we couldn’t bear the loss of such a special family member as Josie and neither could her Dobie sister Maddie. We met Athena about 1 month after losing Josie. Athena had so much love to give and wasn’t too sure she could trust there would be permanence in a new home. She came into our home looking to both get and give love but cautious and trying to figure out the new place and new people. It took her time to learn she would never have to go anywhere else and that all her people would always come home to her every day. She is the sweetest girl who just can’t get close enough and can’t get enough hugs and loves. She loves her cat brother Gary who she initially thought was prey and she is learning more and more about playing with her Dobie sister every day. She learned to trust in Maddie’s trust which relaxed her anxiety about her humans leaving the house. She also knows now that if she or Maddie have to leave for a vet checkup they will always be coming back home. She can’t be without her blankey or a toy and is very proud to show them off to all - including Gary the cat. It took awhile to see her come out of her shell but she continues to blossom more and more as she develops more understanding that this is all hers furever."

Want to share you LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pics to [email protected]

Adopted: Blu, a 3 year old Male Yellow Labrador

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Adopted: Blu has found his furever home!

Updated medical information on Blu:

Upon removing scar tissue from Blu’s head, we have learned he has mast cell tumor, a form of skin cancer. Through several tests and evaluations, we have determined the cancer has NOT metastasized, and remains local to the are it was discovered. Blu is undergoing 2 round of electro-chemotherapy to treat the area the cells were found, and we expect a full recovery. Blu is a wonderful dog and deserves a furever home, as we believe he has a long life ahead of him.

If you’re interested in adopting Blu but have questions about his medical care, please email [email protected].

"Blu is a big playful boy. He gets very excited to see you and can be a bit high energy, but in not too long, he does calm down and will lay around. He does not get mouthy with hands petting him. He is very sweet and a little goofy chasing his tail at times. He seems to do well with other dogs, and tries to initiate play with his foster sisters (who are not playful). 

Around the house, he has not been destructive to any of our furniture, belongings, etc. He loves to be by his humans and will whine/bark a bit if left alone in a pen or crate where he can’t see you. He hasn’t had any accidents in the house either. Due to his size and energy, he would do best in a home with no small children. Im sure he wouldn’t mind a dog who will play with him… or he can take all the pets and attention for himself!"

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Rocket, a 9 month old Male Yellow Labrador

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Adoption: Rocket, a 9 month old Male Yellow Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.Here is a Bio from his foster family……..

"Rocket is sooooo sweet. He came to us directly after being neutered so we have tried to keep him from being too playful, but this guy has a lot of energy. He is as smart as he is adorable. He is beginning to respond to his name and really wants to please. He is picking up potty training very quickly, but isn't quite 100% there just yet. He is as loving, trusting and as affectionate as you can imagine. He's like a piece of Velcro; just wants to be by your side at all times. 

He will need patience with leash training as that seems new to him.

We have a 3-year-old chocolate lab that he gets along great with. Zero aggression, sharing toys together. We haven't had him around any children or cats yet, but I seriously cannot imagine it being an issue given his sweet disposition. He hasn't been in the pool yet (due to the recent neutering), but shows no fear of it and we can tell he'll be an Olympic swimmer.

Rocket will be a wonderful addition to any household, committed to his on going training and development."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Happy Tails: Shadow

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What a wonderful Happy Tail for Shadow!

"Last December, we fostered and adopted this old girl, she fit us like a glove. Our last lab passed away last August and we thought no other dog could possibly come close to filling that huge hole in our heart. But…. LVLR to the rescue once again, and we can not believe how lucky we are to have Shadow. She goes on morning walks to greet the neighbors, they can’t wait to get a morning face lick. We added the bike ride because it is too hot for evening walks right now. A few weeks ago, she took a trip to Yellowstone & Tetons with us. She travels better than any of our kids ever did!!! Next is a trip to the Colorado River, in our favorite cove, doggie life jacket in tow. We are just having a ball with our old girl. She’s the best. Thanks for pulling her from the shelter!!!!

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to: [email protected]

Adopted: Kori, a 2 year old Female Yellow Labrador

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Adopted: Kori, a 2 year old Female Yellow Labrador, who is looking for her forever home.

Here is a Bio from her foster family……..

"Kori is a sweet young dog who is full of energy and wants to please. She has very nice house manners. She does not pick up or chew on any house items. She is potty trained but will piddle when she is excited. We are working on taking her outside first before she meets anyone new. She is crated trained and sleeps through the night in her crate. She LOVES playing fetch with a ball or Kong. She has begun her introduction to the swimming pool and will become a swimmer with some patience.

Kori will make a great companion for an active family that's committed to continuing her training and building her confidence."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Luna, a 2.5 year old Black Female Labrador

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Adopted: Luna, a 2.5 year old Female Black Labrador, has found her forever home.Here is a Bio from her foster family……..

"Luna is a very good girl, well mannered with considerable training already. She's energetic, loving walks on leash, hiking and traveling. Luna is crate trained, great with other dogs and children. She does still like a good counter surf, but responds quickly to commands. She sleeps through the night, either in or out of the crate, and learning to master the dog door. Luna loves to play, with toys, dogs and humans. Luna is sweet, affectionate, and a wonderful companion. She will make a great furry family member for an active, loving home."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Happy Tail: Mocha (Formerly Keke)

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We have a wonderful Happy Tail for Mocha (formerly Keke)!

"Heres a few pics and videos of Mocha.  She is fitting nicely in with the pack of all girls. She is the biggest and the youngest of the three. She's playful, has lots of energy, recently got comfortable going in the pool and is now a pretty great swimmer. She loves to play with balls and frisbees. She's been socialized and has a great time at the dog park.  She's also really great on a leash and likes to hike at the mountain. She's a really great addition a phenomenal watchdog.

 So happy we have her. 

Shelly S."

Want to share you LVLR Almuni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pics to [email protected].

Happy Tail: Penny (formerly Maya )

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This is such a sweet update on Penny (formerly Maya )

"Well, it's been over four years since we adopted our sweet Penny, and every day she reminds us just how special she is.  When we originally saw the post about her, it stated that she would be a special case adoption.  They were looking for a family with other dogs who would give her the patience, love, and support she needed to feel confident and secure.  As soon as we met her, I knew we were the family for her.  She was timid, fearful, and cautious at first, but it didn't take long for her to open up and show us her playful, affectionate side.  With the help of her sisters, she learned that she was part of a family who would always love and take special care of her.  Once a Las Vegas girl, Penny has since moved and is now living the life in Myrtle Beach!  "

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to [email protected].

Adopted: Chip, a 3.5 year old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Chip, a 3.5 year old Male Chocolate Labrador, has found his forever home

"Hi, my name is Chip. 

Mom says that I have tons of personality. In fact, she calls me “NO CHIP”! I learn very quickly as she has never had to scold me twice for the same behavior. It’s hard to resist being playful with my sisters, in fact they encourage it!

I am potty trained, know how to sit, stay, and walk nicely on leash (especially when treats are available). 

I love to snuggle. I will follow you everywhere, just in case snuggles are available. I wouldn’t want you to miss an opportunity to love on me. 

I sleep well in my crate as long as you don’t close the door. 

I love all dogs and people. I’m not sure about cats yet because I haven’t met one. 

I am looking for a special family who will love me forever!"

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Hershey, a 3.5 year old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopt Me: Hershey. a 3.5 year old Male Chocolate Labrador, who is looking for his forever home.

Here is a Bio from his foster family……..

"Hershey is a very happy 3-year-old puppy. He is very friendly with other dogs. He's good on the leash and is very well house trained. He will always lay or sit next to you and loves company. He is food driven, training will not be a problem since he already knows some commands and he listens very well. Hershey gets excited at first and then calms down after. Hershey will make a great companion for an active family that will continue some training.

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Alder, a 7 y/o Female Black Labrador

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Adopted: Alder, a 7 year old Female Black Labrador, has found her forever home.

Here is a Bio from her foster family……..

"Alder is a sweet gentle giant. She has a mellow personality and loves to put her head on you while on the couch. She goes in the crate (with the help of a treat) and will sleep there through the night without whining. She does not play with our other 2 dogs, but does gets along well with them. 

She doesn’t pull hard while walking on the leash, but she needs to learn to be focused (ie walk fairly straight). 

Overall, Alder is a calm big girl that wants nothing more than to be spending time with her humans. She is the biggest sweetheart, and her new forever family will be so lucky to have her."

Alder arrived with Clover & River to LVLR, and may be related.

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: River, a 5 y/o Female Black Labrador

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Adopted: River, a 5 year old Black Female Labrador, who is looking for her forever home.

Here is a Bio from her foster family……..

"River was timid when she first got here but so far she's been fine with my three little ones and other Lab. She followed my Lab out of the dog door the first time she saw him use it, and has zero accidents. She rides well in the car. I took her to events & dog friendly restaurants, and River has no issues with any people or pets she encountered. She wants to be with you or have eyes on you. She's shown no signs of destroying anything and hasn't spent much time in the crate. She does need some work with jumping up on you, but otherwise she's calm, smart and sweet. River loves to cuddle, and will make a great companion where she gets attention and exercise. "

River arrived with Clover & Alder to LVLR, and may be related.

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Clover, a 2 y/o Black Female Labrador

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Adopted: Clover, a 2 year old Black Female Labrador, has found her forever home.

Here is a Bio from her foster family……..

"Clover is a very sweet, loving and timid girl. Clover has a lot of the puppy mannerisms and will need to learn manners and boundaries. She has learned to sit and just learned to use the doggie door. She is very smart and learns very quick with proper guidance. She has learned a lot from her foster brothers and sister. Clover does get along with other dogs, but will need time to properly socialize. She loves chasing a ball and playing with anything that squeaks! She walks very well on a leash and is learning to feel safe in her kennel. 

Clover loves being with humans and enjoys the love and affection. Clover will be an amazing addition to any family."

Clover arrived with River & Alder to LVLR, and may be related.

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Keke, a 2 y/o Female Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Keke, a 2 year old Female Chocolate Labrador, has found her forever home.

Here is a Bio from her foster family……..

"Keke is definitely a big, energetic girl! She is extremely sweet and she loves cuddles! She would lay on top of you asking for attention! She’s fully trained, she listens very well and she’s is good in the crate, even if she doesn’t like to be alone. Keke is also very good with other dogs! She likes to play, chase a ball and go on walks. She will be your shadow, always next to you! Keke will make a great companion for an active family."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Happy Tail: Sadie

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Here's another lovely Happy Tail for Sadie!

"We've had Sadie for  three  months  and  she's  such  a  joy  and  love  bug,  she  misses the tree  though,  her  fosters  penny  and family  were so  wonderful. "

Want to share your LVLR alumni Happy Tail? Please submit your story and pictures to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Hazel

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Hazel was a puppy when she came through LVLR, look at her now!

"Hazel Grace has captured our hearts and completely stolen her dads.  Hazel has her puppy tendencies, especially her love of stealing socks, but can do absolutely no wrong in her dad’s eyes.  She is genuinely one of the sweetest dogs we have ever owned and she gets along so well with her older fur sister.  She is so great with our 3 year old as well.  She is always making sure to shower him with lots of kisses, which provides us all with belly aching laughs.  Hazel has been the best addition to our family and we are so lucky to call her ours!

2022 Update: Our family has grown by one since 2019. We welcomed a baby boy in July of 2020. Nothing has changed with Miss Hazel. She is still the sweetest fur sister to our boys. She is so patient with our now two year old. Hazel adores her older fur sister and still has her dad wrapped around her paw! She’s brought so much joy into our lives! We are so thankful we found her through LVLR

The S's!"

Want to share your LVLR alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story ad pictures to: [email protected].

Happy Tail: Buddy (formerly Kai)

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Look how great Buddy is doing!

"Our little guy Buddy ( formally named Kai ) has settled in and is loving life. Him and Charlotte, our black lab we had previously to adopting him love each other so much. They get along so well.  They love going on daily walks and cuddle at night.  

Thank you Las Vegas Labrador Rescue for the great addition to our family. "

Want to share your LVLR alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story and pictures to: [email protected]

Happy Tail: Dixie

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This is such a sweet update on Dixie!

"Hi, we just wanted to send along an update about our  rescued lab Dixie we adopted back in July 2022. 

Dixie has become such a wonderful part of the family. She's gotten very accustomed to our home and all the coziest spots, i.e the couch, our bed, right under our feet when cooking, the sunny spots by the pool and of course the outdoor couch!

She also has gotten used to dealing with our older lab who has epilepsy and she even yelped loud enough once while hovering over him during a seizure to pop him write out if it! She remains calm and makes sure she stays out of his way during those difficult moments. She's proven to be an excellent watch dog. During political campaign season she gave each door to door solicitor a peace of her mind, lol! We are very grateful she's come into our home. 

Here's a few pics of her enjoying all of the attention and the couch lol! The pic of her in front of our other dog Kirby's crate was her keeping a watchful eye after he returned from the ER after some difficult seizures. ❤️

We are so very happy to have Dixie be a part of our family and her forever home in our hearts! ❤️"

Do you want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Happy Tail: Boone (formerly Chandler)

One of our first Labradoodles, what an update!


One year ago we were chosen to be Boone’s forever family. He has been the sweetest boy and loves everyone he meets. He loves to play with other dogs and go on adventures. He has been to 7 states and loves car rides. Boone is the only lab that doesn’t like water but loves to camp and chase squirrels. He’s the luckiest boy to have so many people love him and spoil him but we couldn’t imagine our lives without him. 

Chrystan and Kirk"

Do you want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Email your story and pics to [email protected]

Adopted: Champ, a 2 year old Male Yellow Labrador

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Adopted: Champ, a 2 year old Male Yellow Labrador, has found his forever home.

Here is a Bio from his foster family……..

"Champ is doing well in foster care, but will need time to continue his path to becoming the dog he's meant to be. Champ is still like a 6 month old puppy, needing to learn manners and what's expected of him, and is very smart and quick to learn with proper guidance. He is athletic and energetic, and stronger than he realizes. He is also mischievous and mouthy like a puppy. Champ is good with other dogs, but was never properly socialized, so needs time and boundaries when meeting new animals, to prevent issues. He is learning to feel safe crated, doing better ever day, with positive reinforcement. His walking/leash skills are improving as well.

Champ is very affectionate and loving, with a sweet spirit that craves times with humans. Champ will make a wonderful companion, with the right family committed to training, boundaries and consistency. Champ will need more time, love and commitment to his growth. He is a special boy, and deserves a family fully dedicated to his needs."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Misty, a 1 year old Female Silver Labrador

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Adopted: Misty, a 1 year old Female Silver Labrador, who is looking for her forever home.

Here is a Bio from her foster family……..

"Misty is absolutely a sweetheart! She’s a full puppy; She doesn’t mind the crate and she listens very well, working on her manners. She is very friendly and she loves to play with other dogs. Misty is house trained but every now and then she has some accidents but is getting better ever day. Misty is energetic, quick to learn, and will make a great companion for a family willing to continue her training."

See a list of Available Labs here

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Adopted: Magnus, a 1.5 Year old Male Yellow Labrador

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Adopted: Magnus. a 1.5 year old Male Yellow Labrador, has found his furever home. Here's what his fosters have to say:

"Magnus is the biggest cuddle bug! He will always sit next to you and wait for cuddles. He doesn’t bark much and he is house trained. He loves tennis balls and he gets along with other dogs really well.

Magnus doesn’t love being in a crate but is improving. Magnus has displayed 'bird dog hunting' traits, so it's best he's in a home with no pet birds. Magnus is smart, energetic, and quick to learn, and will make a great companion for the right family. "

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Adopted: Mr Brown, a 2 year old Male Chocolate Labrador

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Adopted: Mr Brown has found his furever home.

Mr. Brown knows most commands and is very quick with learning new commands. He is crate trained, but prefers being out with his family. He goes in his crate at night and sleeps through the night with no problem. He has not had any accidents in our house and has just learned to use the doggy door. 

Mr. Brown is a very happy pup and has come out of shell while we have had him. He will need time and patience as with any other puppy, but I believe he will make a great addition to any family. "

***Medical notation*** Mr Brown is currently being treated for a skin infection brought on by allergies. He has made wonderful improvement since being in our care, and while he still displays hair loss, it is actually growing back quite well. He has a follow up appointment with the canine dermatologist, where we will assess what is need going forward. Please consider the follow up care we'll be providing when requesting to meet Mr Brown.

See a list of Available Labs here

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